World Beard and Moustache Championships: Holy Crap

Looking through Flickr’s interesting pictures I came across an incredible portrait labeled “World Beard and Mustache Championships.”

What, I asked, is this championship?

Only the most insanely awesome mustache (or moustache, if you insist) and beard related event ever.

Obviously, facial hair has replaced real estate as the primary subject of this blog. Hope that’s OK with both my readers.

2 thoughts on “World Beard and Moustache Championships: Holy Crap”

  1. The question is… are you going to regrow the ‘stache for the 2007 competition in Brighton?


  2. did you notice how many chose fashionable hats to accentuate their facial hair? i think you need to regrow your ‘stache and go hat shopping. the 2007 event is coming sooner than you think!

    real estate is on the decline anyway. your blog is just reflecting the times.


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